W najnowszym numerze (11/2011) Popcornu znajduje się artykuł mówiący m.in. o Billu. Sex-szok, czyli słów kilka o (nie)męskim stylu pewnych muzyków. I nasza próba zrozumienia fenomenu Billa Kaulitza;) – czytamy w spisie treści.
Cóż, nie wiem jak Wam, ale mnie ciśnie się uśmiech na usta kiedy czytam o premierze albumu Darkside of the Sun, która miała miejsce ponad pół roku temu… ;)
Sex- unknown! There’s Bill, Madox, Lambert and others…
Gays, fakes and effeminate singers are still at the top! Because of Madox’s album* premiere we decided to watch carefully artists, who aren’t afraid of goading their sexuality…
Bill Kaulitz- fans are crazy about him!
The article in the Internet about effeminate style of Tokio Hotel singer or about- what is worse- “his gay side” it’s all, what fans need to go crazy. They love so much their idol, so they will defend him to the bitter end. That was the last time, when whole world saw 22-years-old Kaulitz with 67-years-old fashion designer- Wolfgang Jopp. What’s up? They are holding by the hand (or maybe only touching) in the photo. For Bill’s foes that was the proof that he is a gay! For fans it was just a signal that Kaulitz and Jopp are friends.
It isn’t our work (role) to decide: whether a musician is hetero-, bi- or homosexual. The fact is that since band’s debut he has been continued his quaintness in crazy haircut, hair dyeing, eyes, lips and nails coloring. For sure his anorexic appearance isn’t making Bill more manlike. After all (or maybe because of it) fans still love Bill and dream about him. Is it a sign that benchmark of manhood is changing? And instead of strong men more popular will be guys with a girlish waist?
By the way TH is finishing work on their new album “Dark Side of Sun”. The premiere is going to be on 2nd February 2012. (I’m sorry, but polish magazines have no idea about what they are writing- translator’s note)
Translation by Mia from tokiohotel-news.pl
Za pomoc w dniu słabości dziękuję Ness. ;*